
Thanks, Paige.❤️ I love your story of seeing the Lord’s humanity — it’s truly life changing to connect with the Divine Human. That “cover came off” experience is a miraculous feeling.💗

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Jul 6Liked by Leah Rose

This is beautiful, Leah- and so dear, “ And Leah’s not into temptation..” 😭❤️

I also connected with your comment about ‘a paper god’. My opportunity to ‘see’ God came most recently watching the first show in season one of The Chosen where the creators of the show portray Jesus saying the first two verses of Isaiah 43 to Mary Magdalene. It was like a cover came off of my eyes, and I was ‘seeing’ that Jesus truly walked among people and gave them His love, forgiveness, and mercy *directly*. He physically touched them with His love. It was profound for me to see that. I know that Chosen scene is not in the Bible, but it was a beautiful and inspirational application for me. And it has spurred me on to go back to the Old Testament and read it with the Arcana/Secrets of Heaven starting with the story of Jacob.

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Jul 2Liked by Leah Rose

Ah Leah… this is just so beautiful! Your journey is inspirational, and I’m sure your words were a gift to all. I am trying to move beyond the more formal and doctrinal view that I have of the Lord and toward a more welcoming and open relationship. So much of my upbringing in an Irish Catholic and military family has influenced my faith. It’s a strong faith, but more formal than I wish it to be. Reading and knowing great folks like you continues to uplift me, and I thank you!

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Thank you, Ellen! I know what you mean about a strong but formal faith. I grew up feeling similarly and always admired those people who seemed to have a solid and deep, yet relaxed and informal relationship with their God. I really wanted that for myself. I've been growing into it through the years, and I'm grateful we're now living in an era in which we can connect with other believers and share our journeys to support and strengthen one another. What a blessing!

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